October 2021

Growth through new revenue streams

Jeremy Tipper | Partner

Working with the CEO and leadership team of a multinational recruitment business, Jeremy was recently tasked with creating a differentiated customer proposition to improve margins in their core permanent recruitment business.

The Approach: Jeremy undertook a full audit of the client’s recruitment operations to understand where the opportunities might lie. In this instance the primary driver of repeat business was the organisation’s ability to source the best talent in the marketplace, more quickly and precisely than anyone else. Whilst this was working reasonably well, Jeremy identified areas for improvement that would offer significantly improved margins if addressed.

The Solution: Jeremy helped the business procure and deploy market leading candidate sourcing technology exposing a previously untapped seam of new talent for their customers. He then advised on the creation of a centralised sourcing team that improved time-to-hire and cost efficiency.

Additionally, as a direct result of Jeremy’s advice, the client is now piloting a new proposition – ‘sourcing as a service’ – to several of their larger customers, creating a new annuity revenue stream and more sustainable customer relationships.

Our Partner Team provide expert advice to a broad range of recruitment businesses. Whether you need assistance on a specific project or general guidance and advice, our team of experts are available on an EaaS basis. Our Partner team is underpinned by a wider team of Associates who provide operational support to our recruitment clients, as and when required. Get In touch

Jeremy Tipper | Partner
New Revenue Streams & Digitalisation

Jeremy advises companies on growth strategy; he helps CEOs to transform their businesses by creating new revenue streams and by utilising technology to enhance margins and make customer relationships stickier and more engaging.

With over 25 years in recruitment, talent acquisition and RPO, Jeremy brings a wealth of experience in his capacities as a board director, advisor and investor. More

Expertise as a Service (EaaS)

Hyvve is a management consultancy supporting recruitment companies as they grow. Our Partner Team have a wide range of knowledge and expertise in the sector, whether functional (Marketing, Technology, HR, Accountancy, Corporate Finance, Operations) or as a CEO/Founder.

Whether you need assistance on a specific project or general guidance and advice, our team of experts are available on an Expertise as a Service basis (EaaS). Get in touch

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